As you can see, the flight path on the ball earth map appears to take a strange northern loop and pass unnecessarily over land in the high northern latitudes. Find nonstop flights between cities in the northern hemisphere that go primarily westeast until you circle the entire earth. You can see how an airport is connected with the rest of the world. Flight from bali diverted to alaska proves the flat earth. In other words, the establishment that is hiding the flat earth, also gave you the map via controlled opposition principles, so that you will try to fit things on that map that they gave you, and it doesnt work this. Flight patterns by karen white reading guidebook club. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, but when a line on a globe is shown on a twodimensional map, it looks like an arc. The cockpit is on the upper deck as were approximately 28 business class seats. The locations of the cities used in this study are marked blue dots, as are the straightline distances from johannesburg to. Flat earthers cite the gleason map as a flat earth map, but gleason knew that its a 2d representation of the globe earth. Detailed flat earth map flat earth facts, flat earth. Congrats to winner amy sullivan, prescott valley az.
This globe displays one year of global air passenger traffic. Ethiopian airlines flight 302 and 911s united flight 93. Often, books and movies leave us bits of truth, disguised as fiction. Well thats good to know, however really discredits the youtubers advocating the flat earth flight path theories since the flat map is really just for looks. Discover airline routes and flight schedules globally. About 20 years ago, i was a 747400 copilot preparing to fly from san francisco to hong kong. Flights prove the flat earth deception this website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.
Gausss theorema egregium is indirectly a mathematical proof that there is no way to flatten a sphere into a flat map without distortions and tears. Earth not a globe, a book published, in 1865, by a. Tighten a string over an actual globe and it will match the flight. As soon as 2 locations are entered, the flight plan will be computed and displayed here. Flight paths and great circlesor why you flew over. This will help you grasp what the flat earth map looks like and how the sun and moon work above flat earth. Sunlight on the gleason flat earth map does not work properly. Be afraid, be very afraid illuminati secrets book 4. Flight patterns flat earth the earth images revimage. Karen white is the new york times bestselling author of more than twenty novels, including the tradd street series, dreams of falling, the night the lights went out, flight patterns, the sound of glass, a long time gone, and the time between. Some evidence given to support the flat earth theory involves airliner flight paths such as johannesburg to perth.
Let say you want to fly nonstop from cape town, south africa to sydney, australia. Built with blueshift data from world pop embed this on map on your website. I would like to also write a book since im a flat earther who doesnt believe in. Long haul flights england to texas flying through canada proof of flat earth. Find scheduled flights from all airports in the world. But the distance between these two cities on the spherical earth map is a little over 2000. Here youll find current best sellers in books, new releases in books, deals in books, kindle ebooks, audible audiobooks, and so much more. Compare direct flights or connecting flights to find new possibilities. Amazing images show airline flight paths across the globe. Flat earthers point out that the flight always stops off in dubai, and never goes directly.
She is the coauthor of the forgotton room and the glass ocean with new york times bestselling authors beatriz williams and lauren willig. Known for his song airplanes, bob has shaken the boat lately with his vocal views on the flat earth. And simultaneously lets the global earth off the hook on the flight paths for this particular experiment. I would like to also write a book since im a flat earther who doesnt believe in biblical god and im. Magickwiccales runesnorse vikingsasatrunorse mythologynorse pagantree designsgods and. New wood map simple ideas flat earth facts, flat earth proof, flat earth. The attention to detail, the superb mechanisms, his pieces are not just a great representation of the flat earth concept, but also. You will find that the flight times are basically the same.
Ive watched his technique evolve over the last few years, and what he is producing now is simply incredible. Flat earth believers claim flights in the southern hemisphere are impossible because their map puts australia and south america on opposite sides of their flat earth making them so far apart that you would have to travel at more than twice the speed of sound to make the journey in the twelve hours. The fact that it is curved shows that the map is spherically distorted as if a flat plane were stretched like a balloon into a spherical surface. Creating flight plans for flat earth walter bislins. Using the difference in angles, the ancient greeks calculated the earth s circumference to within 10 per cent. The flight visualisation was created by san franciscobased web.
A map from 1893 portrays earth as square and stationary and warns of. If e arth was a ball, and antarctica was too cold to fly over, the only logical way to fly from sydney to santiago would be a straight shot over the pacific staying in the southern. The books homepage helps you explore earth s biggest bookstore without ever leaving the comfort of your couch. The earth is flat the planes help to prove the plane youtube.
Two excellent videos that demonstrate clearly why the geometry of sun angles make no sense on a flat earth but always work perfectly on the globe. How can flat earth theory explain this flight route. The earth is flat the planes help to prove the plane. Maps prove the flat earth deception, equidistant map. Although i thumb out some memories of passengers further below, i describ. First off, looking at antarctica, we know none of these flight patterns exist 10. A change in any field immediately updates the flight plan and the paths on the flat earth map and the globe earth map. You can see the vast number of connections in the eastern u. The data comes from modeled estimates compiled for the vectorborne disease airport importation risk project available for download at worldpop. The bottom graphic shows how the flight path would look on a flat earth map. Weve listened to podcastsflat earth conspiracy, the flat earth. Commercial aircraft by and large fly in a straight line called great circle. The top graphic shows how the flight appears as it is tracked on a globe map. Flat earth facts flat earth proof flat earth conspiracy conspiracy theories illuminati terre plate flat earth movement free planet australia map 200 proofs to believe the earth is flat this 35 page ebook full of photographs and diagrams is the perfect tool to help spark conversation and awaken your friends and family to the mother of all.
Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness. Of course, if the earth is stationary, as the bible teaches us, the basic observations that we see are perfectly in line with a flat stationary earth and explains directly what we experience on airplanes which travel across the earth without ever pitching their noses down and produce flight times that are inconsistent with plane flying along a. Using the analogy of a balloon, if you think about stretching the spherical earth map into a flat disc centred on the north pole the curvature of the flight path on your inflight screen would become a. Get the latest funniest memes and keep up what is going on in the memeosphere. This map shows all these flight paths across the world. We know these are impossible on a flat earth especially if you have seen a flat earth map 11, but are possible on a globe earth and infact, would result in shorter flight times. Flat earthers post images of flight patterns, which seem to show that flights are fairly. For the most part the greatcircle paths that one would take over the globe would actually conform pretty closely to straight line paths on the flat earth map, simply because of the way that the flat earth is formatted for the northern hemisphere.
This actually reminds me of a flat earth proof, which i will discuss now. In 2010, the year for which the data was modeled, there were roughly 30 million commercial flights around. Flight pattern proof flat earth proof, flat earth facts. Aerial circumnavigation of antarctica flight plans of globe vs. Many of the characters in flight patterns have done extreme things to protect their familywhether its giles sending colette away, georgias gift to her sister, or ned protecting his wife even long after her death. Johnson the general map of the world by the flat earth society. Once you finish watching the flat earth documentaries visit the flat earth for beginners. How do flat earthers explain the fact you can fly around. To create flight plans for succeeding airports you can. Why are flights in the southern hemisphere over land only. How do flat earthers explain airline travel in southern.
This web site shows flight routes from worlds 50 busiest airports by passenger traffic, according to airports council international data from year 2014. Airplane flights in southern hemisphere prove the flat earth. If you go on youtube, you can see plenty of other demonstrations which show why nonstop flights in the southern hemisphere are rare. Some flat earth maps for you to ponder over and share. You need to go west to get there because that is the only way to go on a flat earth map. Commercial air flights on a flat earth work perfectly. Why arent there more direct flights straight from australia to south america. Flight paths some flight paths go in very unusual directions on the globe model, but make perfect sense on what is majorly accepted as the flat earth map of course, the map can be wrong i use delta airlines, as this is the most reputable, and longer lasting airline. One of the themes in flight patterns is family and what people do in the name of family, to protect their families. Long distance flight paths are designed to be the most efficient way to get from point a to point b on the other side of the world. This means south america does not exist to the east of australia.
Published airline flight data show that the earth is indeed spherical. The only possible answer is that the earth is flat. Yes, there are still people who believe the earth is flat. My flight path experiment findings on the flat vs globe. If you are new to flat earth we highly recommend you watch the flat earth documentaries first.
Antique maps of the world celestial map antonio saliba c 1603. The 3d flat earth models by chris pontius are the highest quality i have seen to date, bar none. Flat earth map obtained from the flat earth society website. We are often told these flights do not exist because it is too cold.
Vintage 1892 gleasons new standard map of the world large 18 x 24 1892 reproduction made by flatearthers in the usa. This app lets you create a flight plan based on the flat earth model. Rick potvins virtual circumnavigation of antarctica to decide if earth is global or flat. According to the rebased map link below, the entire trip will be over the indian ocean. The flight patterns in the southern hemisphere make no sense. Wherever you want to travel, with our flight finder you will find your best flight route. On the flat earth map, however, the flight path going over land in the northern latitudes makes perfect sense, as it is a straight line from point a to point b. Talented southern storyteller, karen white returns following the sound of glass, with her best yet. Flightconnections all flights worldwide on a flight map. Beautiful multicoloured visualisation reveals air traffic across the globe. Can airplane flight routes prove that the earth is round.
To be clear, hughes did not expect his flight to demonstrate earths flatness to him. Seamless vfr sectional charts, terminal area charts, ifr enroute low charts, ifr enroute high charts, tfrs, adverse metars and tafs and aviation routes. Flat earthers make claims about airplane flight patterns, but their explanations use a northpolar azimuthal equidistant projection of the globe map. What are the reasons that flight paths especially for.
What appear to be curved lines on a map are actually straight lines when viewed from the top plan view on globe. This means that distance traveled is roughly the same since the airplanes used all have similar cruising and maximum speeds. You can see the matching mercator map and the flat earth maps. Please do me a favour and right mouse click to save the images to your computer as opposed to hotlinking and using my bandwidth. Now do the same for nonstop flights in the southern hemisphere. Every plane flight in the world over one year animated map.
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